Diabetes Doula Consultation ™
Regular price $75.00

Diabetes Doula Consultation ™
Regular price $75.00"Doula" is an ancient Greek word which means "A woman who serves". And that is what we do – we serve people who have been touched by diabetes.
What does a doula do? A doula's duty is to provide a continuous source of comfort, encouragement and support (both emotional and physical). A doula may also act as an advocate.
Usually this word refers to someone who helps a woman during pregnancy, or childbirth, but why only for childbirth? A diabetes diagnosis is an equally sensitive time that comes with so many challenges and new things to learn.
Please know that doulas do not give medical advice. If you or your child have diabetes of any kind, or pre-diabetes, you must get qualified medical advice about your condition from those who are trained and licensed to do that.
Your Diabetes Doula session will be conducted online via Zoom videoconferencing software. It is very easy to use, and works on computer, smartphone or tablet. We will be able to talk to each other face to face.
This is not a typical coaching session where we support you to set goals and find solutions. Who can think of goals when your world has been turned upside down by diabetes!?
During this session your doula will share with you her most important lessons, references and the in's and out's of diabetes. Our doulas have intimate personal experience with diabetes.
During your Diabetes Doula session, your doula will share her experiences and mentor you. But she will also listen, and support you on your diabetes journey.
Once payment is received, we will send you a link to book your exclusive one-hour session. Please whitelist our email address: info@diapointme.com, and contact us for help if you do not see your booking link.
- What type of doctor do I need?
- What questions should I be asking my doctor?
- What books and other resources can help me understand?
- Where can I get all my supplies?
- Outside of the medications my doctor has prescribed, do I need other special supplies?
- How do I deal with my insurance?
If it's your child who has been diagnosed, we also answer questions like:
How can I send my child to school safely?
Can my child play sports?
Will they live a normal, healthy life?
How do I deal with parties and other social situations?
Those are just some of the things people ask us during these sessions, but you can ask us anything. This is your time.